Buy Real Estate

Anyone can buy property in Russia

There aren’t any requirements to be a Russian national or hold a Russian passport

Typically in Russia, properties likely see a 10-40% rise in value

If one invest in ongoing development

Our team at Ark Vostok provides full support

And guides you through the entire process from beginning to completion
Map of Russia highlighting the top five regions most attractive to invest in Russia and buy real estate in Russia, Moscow, St Petersburg, Krasnodar region, Tatarstan and Primorskij Kraj, Vladivostok.

Where do foreigners buy Real Estate in Russia?


Big city life! The Best metropolitan area in the West!

Moscow surroundings
Moscow and the Moscow surroundings (Moscow Oblast) are the most populated areas of Russia. It’s the beating heart of Russia that is safe, prosperous, and never sleeps. Culture, education, sports, and social life — life is bubbling in Moscow 24/7.

13,1 million

Combined, with a total population of 21,7 million, Moscow is the largest metropolitan area in Europe.

One in every 7 people in Russia, lives in Moscow and its surroundings. Density-wise, Moscow is comparable to London, while the Moscow surroundings are much more spacious.

8,6 million
-10 oC
5 115
32 oF
23 oC
73 oF
People per km2
Winter avg. temprature
Summer avg. temprature

The climate is humid, and continental with warm to hot summers and long, cold winters. Other cities that have weather comparable to it are New York, Chicago, and Montreal in North America, and Berlin, Stockholm, and Warsaw in Europe.
Moscow surroundings
Low per m2
High per m2

In the Moscow Oblast – the larger metropolitan area surrounding Moscow, the real estate investment to qualify for a Golden Visa is lower, starting at $270,000 in tax value which corresponds to $350,000 in actual market price.

Add to this the average price per m2 of $2,000 which translates to a spacious apartment or a house around a one-hour drive from Moscow city center.

Moscow and the Moscow surroundings

Moscow City skyscrapers alight in the night, it has multiple attractive appartment opportunities to invest in real estate in Russia to get your Russian Golden Visa.
St Basil´s Cathedral on the Red Square in Moscow, benief the sun - clean and safe city why people move to Russia.

The minimal investment required to qualify for a golden visa here is a property with a market value of $ 700,000

Typically in metropolitan Moscow, properties cost around $3,000 — $5,000 per m2.

So at the very lower end, you could buy a place with around 140 m2 from $420,000 up to $700,000.

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, the Venice of the north — the capital for the Russian Empire is a city of history and beauty

St. Petersburg surroundings
Many people prefer the more sophisticated atmosphere of the northern capital, as Moscow is just only a short flight away.

6 million
2 million
-8,5 oC
3 991
17 oF
23 oC
73 oF
People per km2
Winter avg. temprature
Summer avg. temprature

The Baltic Sea makes the winter less harsh, while the northern location means that during summer, there’s daylight, even late into the evening. Saint Petersburg gets on average 165 overcast days, and so when it’s sunny, the locals enjoy it immensely.

Real estate from investment to qualify for a Golden Visa is lower than in Moscow.
For an average price per sq meter of $3,000, one can invest in a spacious 120 m2 apartment for around $360,000.

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg and its surroundings

St. Petersburg surroundings

Combined St Petersburg and its surroundings, with a total population of 8,2 million, it is the 5th largest metropolitan area in Europe. In the center, you do not find any high rises as the historical center is culturally protected — it’s a spacious city, with lots of water courses and a romantic atmosphere.

The climate is humid and continental with warm, short summers and long, moderately cold winters.

St Isaac´s Cathedral in Sankt Petersburg, Russia with the cloudy sky, summer, people live in Russia and buy real estate in Russia.
Low per m2
High per m2

The minimal investment for a Golden Visa for
St. Petersburg city is property with a market
price of around $360,000

Combine this with excellent property offers located close to the city center in newly built development projects St Petersburg is a clear option to consider, when you think about your move to Russia.
Krasnodar region

Krasnodar Region is most widely known as a vacation spot in Russia, located on the coast of the Black Sea, close to the Caucasus mountains, this is the place where Russians like to go for holidays as well as buy a home for retirement

5 million

One of the key cities in the region is Soshi, a coastal city with half a million in population, a place where you can enjoy both the sea and the mountains.

The climate is subtropical, with cool to mild winters and warm summers.

Sochi is quite humid, but also sunny, all month has less than 10 rainy days.

10 oC
50 oF
27 oC
81 oF
People per km2
Winter avg. temprature
Summer avg. temprature

Real estate prices for new development that would qualify as investment for a golden visa are two times lower compared to Moscow.
Krasnodar region
Low per m2
High per m2

Typically, Krasnodar region properties cost around $2,000 per m2. That means you could invest in a spacious 175 m2 apartment close to the sea — or why not buy your own vacation home?

Krasnodar Region

Green mountains of the Caucasus, Krasnodar region, resort next to the mountain river, and people riding the ski lift - beautiful nature and life in Russia

The minimal investment required to qualify for a golden visa here is a property with a value above $360,000

Sochi coustal city resort in Krasnodar region, attractive real estate investment, buy real estate next to the Black Sea and get your Russian Golden Visa.
Primorski Kraj

Primorskij Kraj is the most developed eastern region in Russia, it’s the starting point of the Trans-Siberian railway, the main eastern port as well as the air hub of the Russian Far East

Vladistok is the capital of the region, with a population of 0,6 million, the city is rapidly developing, especially with the Russian economy now shifting to trade eastwards.

1 million

The climate is humid, continental with warm to hot summers and long, cold, winters.

-12 oC
10 oF
20 oC
68 oF
People per km2
Winter avg. temprature
Summer avg. temprature

Sometimes, there could even be a bit of a tropical storm.
Primorski Kraj
Low per m2
High per m2

For an average price per m2 of $2,000, you could buy a spacious condo with ocean view — this Eastern region is a great option as an investment.

Primorskij Kraj

Vladivostok on the far east side of Russia, called the Russian San-Francisco, sporting a tall bridge and is attractive to buy real estate in Vladivostok.

The minimal investment required to qualify for a golden visa here is the lowest in the country of around $300,000

The minimal investment required to qualify for a golden visa is the lowest, as the Russian government wants to promote investment in the Far East — the level is $210,000 which would likely mean a market price of $300,000 or higher.

Republic of Tatarstan

Republic of Tatarstan Republic with its capital, Kazan, could be ranked as the third most developed city in Russia, after Moscow and St Petersburg

Kazan, with a population of 1,3 million people, is located on the river Volga, it has a diversified economy and is home to a mix of Tatar and Russian population.

4 million

The spoken language is Russian and Tatar while the dominating faith is Orthodox Christianity and Islam. Kazan will host the 2024 BRICS summit.

-10 oC
13 oF
20 oC
68 oF
People per km2
Winter avg. temprature
Summer avg. temprature

Kazan has a humid, continental climate, with long, cold winters, even colder than Moscow, and warm, sunny summers. As a result of its far inland position, summers are extremely warm for its latitude and winters are quite cold, compared to areas close to the west in Europe.

Real estate prices for new development that would qualify as an investment for a golden visa status range from:
The minimal investment required to qualify for a golden visa is a property with a tax value above $270,000 which would likely mean a market price of $360,000 or higher.

Republic of Tatarstan

Tatarstan region, Kazan is the capital city with the magnificent mosque, hosting the BRICS 2024 it will be excellent place to buy real estate in Russia.
Republic of Tatarstan
Low per m2
High per m2

The minimal investment required to qualify for a golden visa here is around $360,000

For an average price per m2 of $2,000, one can invest in a spacious 175 m2 apartment in the city center.
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